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Patient Care

Posted July 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Guilt Free Advice for Great Pediatric Oral Health

Parenting is no joke. It is equal parts rewarding and exhausting. Moms and dads know how much effort it takes to keep kids healthy and happy. And, everyone from mommy-blogs to mothers in law have an opinion on where parents are falling short. Are they eating a balanced diet? Is their homework done? Do they […]

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Posted June 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Services, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Why Have a Dental Implant?

Dental implants replace an entire tooth—including the root—with a permanent replacement. Dr. Gauthier can tell you it is the #1 most popular tooth replacement method in all of dentistry, but there are many reasons dental implant surgery may be recommended. Dental implants may work for you if you have one or more teeth missing, your […]

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Posted May 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Pregnancy & Your Smile

Before we begin talking about the changes pregnancy can cause in your mouth, we want you to know your smile is entirely unique and will remain so during your pregnancy, and your Pineville, LA dental team does not want you to be alarmed. We’re here to answer questions and address concerns as you need, and […]

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Posted February 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Do You Smooch Your Pooch?

We’ve all heard the expression that a dog is a (hu)man’s best friend, and dog lovers wouldn’t disagree. There’s also a common misconception that “a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth”. As it turns out, that’s not true at all, and there are many reasons you should never let your dog kiss you […]

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Posted January 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Keep Lipstick Off Your Teeth with These Handy Tips

You work with Today’s Dental to achieve your most beautiful smile, but if you also add makeup to enhance your appearance, you may have had the problem of drifting lipstick. At one time or another, we’ve all talked to someone with lipstick on their teeth and faced that awkward question: “How do I let them […]

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Posted January 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Do You Hate Needles?

If you fear shots, injections, or medical needles in general, you may be suffering from trypanophobia—and an estimated 10 percent of Americans share the same aversion. The general public calls it “needle phobia” but the DSM-IV classified it as a specific phobia of medical needles as of 1994.  Dr. Jonas Gauthier understands these fears, and […]

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Posted October 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Should I Be Screening Myself for Oral Cancer?

In a word: Ab-so-lute-ly! Pretend those hyphens are the “clapping hands” emoji, because we want to emphasize how important it is to get up close and personal with your mouth in the interests of oral cancer detection.  Currently, oral cancer kills one person in the United States per hour. The reason it’s so deadly is […]

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Posted September 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Do You Have an Abscessed Tooth?

No one wants to think about the words “abscessed tooth” applying to their own mouth but to paraphrase Sun Tzu, it’s a good idea to know your enemy. Causes of an abscessed tooth include: Tooth decay Gum disease A cracked tooth When a tooth is compromised by one or more of these conditions, bacteria may […]

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Posted August 28, 2023 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Mouthwash: More Harm Than Good?

At Today’s Dental Pineville, we know a lot of people feel they’re adding a layer of tooth decay and gum disease prevention to their oral hygiene routines when they swish with mouthwash—which may be true, but it depends on the mouthwash. If you floss and brush properly, mouthwash isn’t always necessary, and certain types could even […]

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