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Dental Health

Posted May 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health
Jonas E. Gauthier

What Can Your Teeth Tell Scientists?

There are a lot of things teeth can tell you about yourself, even more that dentists can determine during examinations, and even more that can be discovered by scientists. For example, you can often feel when you have something stuck between your teeth, or when plaque is starting to build up and you could use […]

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Posted March 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health
Jonas E. Gauthier

Move Over, Mono: Another Kissing Disease?

If you’ve heard about (or experienced) mononucleosis, often shortened to “mono” or “the kissing disease”, you might think it can’t be compared to gum disease in any way. However, there is one trait these infections have in common. According to pathologists, mono is caused primarily by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and it’s definitely something you’ll […]

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Posted February 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Jonas E. Gauthier

Feeling Worn Down?

As people get older, the body naturally begins the process of breaking down—and unfortunately, that includes our teeth. Worn teeth are somewhat inevitable, but diligent oral hygiene and quality dental care from Today’s Dental can help save as much of your natural teeth as possible. It is extremely common for adults to have tooth wear […]

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Posted October 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health
Jonas E. Gauthier

Tongue Talk – To Scrape or Not to Scrape?

For such a seemingly small part of your body, the tongue plays a major role in many everyday functions, such as talking, helping you digest and taste food, and swallowing. In fact, the appearance of your tongue may speak volumes (pun slightly intended) about the state of your oral and overall health.  Today, Pineville dentist, […]

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Posted October 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Should I Be Screening Myself for Oral Cancer?

In a word: Ab-so-lute-ly! Pretend those hyphens are the “clapping hands” emoji, because we want to emphasize how important it is to get up close and personal with your mouth in the interests of oral cancer detection.  Currently, oral cancer kills one person in the United States per hour. The reason it’s so deadly is […]

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Posted September 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Do You Have an Abscessed Tooth?

No one wants to think about the words “abscessed tooth” applying to their own mouth but to paraphrase Sun Tzu, it’s a good idea to know your enemy. Causes of an abscessed tooth include: Tooth decay Gum disease A cracked tooth When a tooth is compromised by one or more of these conditions, bacteria may […]

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Posted August 16, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Is it Time to Toss that Toothbrush?

When you find a toothbrush that’s just right for you, it can be easy to get attached. After all, you use your toothbrush morning and night (ideally) to prevent plaque and bacteria from hardening and becoming tartar—that’s what we like to call quality time!  When your toothbrush does so much good, you want to return […]

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Posted January 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Jonas E. Gauthier

Malocclusion: Sometimes It Bites

Malocclusion is the dental term for misaligned teeth, a common condition affecting about 200,000 people in the United States every year. Many seek cosmetic solutions to feel better about their smiles, but there are also negative health consequences including pain and discomfort that result from improperly aligned teeth.  The most severe cases may require surgical […]

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