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Posted July 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Guilt Free Advice for Great Pediatric Oral Health

Parenting is no joke. It is equal parts rewarding and exhausting. Moms and dads know how much effort it takes to keep kids healthy and happy. And, everyone from mommy-blogs to mothers in law have an opinion on where parents are falling short. Are they eating a balanced diet? Is their homework done? Do they […]

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Posted June 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Services, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Why Have a Dental Implant?

Dental implants replace an entire tooth—including the root—with a permanent replacement. Dr. Gauthier can tell you it is the #1 most popular tooth replacement method in all of dentistry, but there are many reasons dental implant surgery may be recommended. Dental implants may work for you if you have one or more teeth missing, your […]

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Posted May 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Pregnancy & Your Smile

Before we begin talking about the changes pregnancy can cause in your mouth, we want you to know your smile is entirely unique and will remain so during your pregnancy, and your Pineville, LA dental team does not want you to be alarmed. We’re here to answer questions and address concerns as you need, and […]

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Posted May 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health
Jonas E. Gauthier

What Can Your Teeth Tell Scientists?

There are a lot of things teeth can tell you about yourself, even more that dentists can determine during examinations, and even more that can be discovered by scientists. For example, you can often feel when you have something stuck between your teeth, or when plaque is starting to build up and you could use […]

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Posted April 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Technology
Jonas E. Gauthier

The Discovery of X-Rays

Today’s Dental can diagnose and screen for a host of maladies thanks to sophisticated imaging technology. X-rays are now so frequently used and so effective that most of us take their capabilities for granted—but it was not so long ago a tumor or damaged bone couldn’t be found without the patient actually being cut open! […]

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Posted March 27, 2024 / Blog, Dental Technology
Jonas E. Gauthier

What Does Your Dentist Have Up Their Sleeve? Tools of the Dental Trade

Unless you’re frequently using your teeth as scissors or a nail file (we hope you aren’t!), the most common things placed in your mouth are food, beverages, eating utensils, and your oral hygiene BFFs: floss and toothbrushes. This script gets flipped when you visit your Pineville dentist, though. At Today’s Dental, we utilize a few […]

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Posted March 13, 2024 / Blog, Dental Health
Jonas E. Gauthier

Move Over, Mono: Another Kissing Disease?

If you’ve heard about (or experienced) mononucleosis, often shortened to “mono” or “the kissing disease”, you might think it can’t be compared to gum disease in any way. However, there is one trait these infections have in common. According to pathologists, mono is caused primarily by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and it’s definitely something you’ll […]

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Posted February 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Do You Smooch Your Pooch?

We’ve all heard the expression that a dog is a (hu)man’s best friend, and dog lovers wouldn’t disagree. There’s also a common misconception that “a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth”. As it turns out, that’s not true at all, and there are many reasons you should never let your dog kiss you […]

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